Szemezgessünk megint az angol nyelvû sajtóból, az első cikk (olvassátok el, ITT  van) folytatásaként.
Kezdjük megint Olaszországgal, ami gyakran téma volt a közelmúltban, például a veronia polgármester kapcsán (cikk ITT). A cigányok Olaszországban, a gyilkolások (lásd EZT), valamint az utcai  bûnözés kb. 95%-ának elkövetésén (lásd EZT) kívül erősen érdekeltek na miben? a színesfémlopásban. Nézzük a rasszizmusssal, fasiszmussal igazán nem vádolható Sawf News kapcsolódó cikkét, amely ITT  található. A cikk angol, NEM fordítjuk le, feltételezve, hogy olvasóink túlnyomó többsége legalábbis érti a nyelvet (ha meg nem, akkor mielőbb megtanulja – nem szégyen az angoltudás).
"MILAN (Reuters) - Copper thieves are stripping Italy in a "red gold" rush that has snarled train service, denuded tombs and caused at least one blackout as worldwide demand for the metal has sent prices soaring, officials say.
Thieves have torn copper facing from a city bridge, and toxic smoke from the clandestine burning of insulation off cables is filling the night sky of some Rome neighbourhoods.
With prices hitting a record of $8,800 a tonne this year because of strong demand from countries like China, copper bandits are reaping the benefits of a market fighting to keep up with demand.
"There's always been thefts of non-ferrous metals because of their high value, but there's clearly been a rebirth of this kind of activity with the added value of copper," said Claudio de Cani, director of the Assomet non-ferrous metals association.
Eight break-ins in about two weeks by thieves targeting cables, pipes and other equipment forced builder Stefano Beltrami to mount a 24-hour guard on his construction site in downtown Ferrara, about 300 km north of Rome.
He and his partners have lost thousands of euros as the thefts have idled workers building a 30-unit apartment complex, he said.
"We've never seen this kind of thing here before, absolutely. Thefts of cable, thefts of cable reels, it's got to be from the increase in the cost of copper," Beltrami said.
Cables on train lines are favourite targets of copper raiders, often identified by newspapers as Romanian gangs.
Italy's state-run railway estimates damages in lost material and delays so far this year at 10 million euros ($12.78 million), a spokesman said.
The number of cable thefts this year has topped 1,000, up from 500 in 2005, he said. In the Rome area last month alone, a quarter-million commuters were affected when 440 trains had to be delayed or cancelled because thieves had torn out cables, including some from safety systems.
The spokesman said the railway operator was working closely with police to tighten security and crack down on the thefts.
Vincenzo Soprano, top executive of the railway's Trenitalia unit, called delays over last weekend "a war bulletin in a war that above all is hitting commuters", La Repubblica newspaper said.
Rome water and power utility Acea has had about 70 km of cables stolen this year, a spokeswoman said. A cable theft blacked out the train terminal at Rome's Leonardo da Vinci airport for six hours last month.
Cemeteries have been stripped of crosses, photo frames and vases made of copper and bronze, an alloy of copper and tin. Humble pots and pans are now targets, Assomet's de Cani said.
"It's not worth very much a kilogram, but they're starting to steal even that," he said.
He had no estimate for the value of stolen copper but put the total taken at several thousand tonnes this year. That's a small fraction of Italy's output, with about 628,000 tonnes of semi-finished copper produced last year.
World prices have fallen by nearly a quarter from their highs this year, but are still more than 50 percent higher than at the end of last year. "
Folytassuk Amerikával, egy volt rendőr (ha valaki, hát ők tisztában vannak a tényekkel!) cigánybûnözést tárgyaló könyvével, cikkeivel és azzal, hogy a cigányok ott milyen módon próbálják zsarolni azokat, akik egy rossz szót mernek szólni a cigánybûnözéssel kapcsolatban. Ellenük kijátsszák a rasszista, náci stb. kártyát, ahogy az ITT  olvasható. Különösen ajánlom az angol nyelvet magasabb szinten ismerőknek a cigányok által írt levelek, reakciók, anyázások borzasztó helyesírását – hiába, a cigányok sehol sem járnak iskolába (és még ők visítanak, hogy nem kapnak jól fizető, vezérigazgatói állást!)
Végül, egy igen “ütős” linkgyûjtemény. Kötelező olvasmány; ITT  található.