Idézzük a köztudottan "fasiszta", "rászístá", "idegengyűlölő" Daily Mail cikkének legfontosabb részeit (teljes cikk Függelékünkben):

Az elkövetők, akikre a magyar lapok mint "kisfiúk" hivatkoznak: O'Neil Denton, a 15 éves és ~100 kilós Jayden Ryan, a 16 éves Weilid Ibrahim és a 15 éves Yusuf Raymond.

De menjünk csak tovább! Nézzük a csoportosan elkövetett nemi erőszak (amelynek elkövetői, mint látjuk majd, arányszámukhoz képest nagyságrendekkel nagyobb mértékben kerülnek ki a színesbőrűek közül) áldozatainak faji megoszlását: az 60 %-ban fehér és 28 %-ban fekete. ("The majority of victims - 60 per cent - were white, while 28 per cent were black.") Hoppá! Ez nem rasszizmus, kérem? Vajon a fehérek mikor állnak majd ki a jogaik mellett? Vagy esetleg tényleg igaz lenne az, hogy már Angliából is menekülnek az őslakos fehérek a megállíthatatlan "tarka" terror elől?!

De van tovább is, most tömény rászízmus következik: A Scotland Yard szerint a támadók kb. 40 %-a fekete, 13 %-a indiai vagy pakisztáni. ("Scotland Yard identified certain characteristics among attackers. Around 40 per cent of suspects were described as Afro-Caribbean. A further 13 per cent were of Indian or Pakistani appearance.")

A cikk nem sorolta fel az egyes kisebbségek arányszámát; mi megtesszük, mégpedig a legújabb wikis adatok (forrás ITT) alapján:

92,1% fehér, 4,0% dél-ázsiai (pakisztáni, indiai stb.), 2,0% fekete, 1,2% keverék, 0,80% kelet-ázsiai (pl. kínai) és más

Egy gyors fejszámolás: a feketék arányszáma 2%; mégis, az ilyen típusú bűncselekmények 40%-át ők követik el. Ez biza' hússzoros elkövetési arány. A dél-ázsiaiak már egy fokkal jobbak: 4%-nyian vannak, miközben a bűnözési arányszámuk 13%; azaz több, mint háromszor akkora mértékben "utaznak" a nőkre, mint az őslakos fehérek.

Talán mondanunk sem kell, hogy a magyar (nyelvű) média (pl. a BOON vagy az 5perc; link ITT) "valamiért" "elfelejtette" közölni az elkövetők nevét ill. a fent látható statisztikákat. Vajon miért? Nem akarta, hogy kiderüljön, hogy lett légyen szó akár négerekről, akár muzlimokról, akár cigányokról, a nők egyéni szabadságáról és sérthetetlenségéről alkotott véleményük homlokegyenest eltér a miénktől?

Függelék: az eredeti Daily Mail-cikk:

The disturbing story of a braying pack of nine youths who gang raped a 14-year-old schoolgirl
By Paul Bracchi

She was chatting to her cousin on her mobile phone when she turned into her street. Her front door was in sight. There was going to be a barbecue and her mother had told the 14-year- old girl, whom we shall call Jenny, not to be late.

Suddenly, however, Jenny saw four boys walking towards her, blocking her path. 'Oi, come here,' one of them snapped.

The voice, she realised, belonged to someone she knew. O'Neil Denton, also 14, was tall for his age, more than 6ft. His nickname was Hitman. Jenny is barely 5ft 5in. Her hair was in a ponytail.

Denton liked the odds. Four of them against one girl. Soon four would become nine.

There was a scuffle and shouting. 'Are you OK are you OK?' Jenny's increasingly worried cousin kept asking down the phone when she overheard shouting in the background. But Jenny didn't reply. Then the line went dead.

This is how it began late one afternoon in April last year.

Jenny knew Denton's girlfriend. She had made the mistake of telling her that she did not like him. When the two subsequently fell out, the girlfriend told Denton what Jenny had said.

In a different place, the bad feeling between them would probably have ended in nothing more serious than an argument.

But she lived in Hackney, East London, where a recent internal police report highlighted the growing menace of 'predatory' gangs intent on 'committing the most disgusting acts of violence'.

Denton was the leader of such a gang - the Kingzhold Boys, whose 'territory' extended either side of Well Street, a half-mile stretch in E9 which passes the boarded-up Frampton Arms pub.

Here, like in many other areas of Britain, a burgeoning underclass of youths - devoid of any sense of right or wrong - exist outside of conventional society's moral boundaries.

For many, family ties and friendships have been replaced by a perverted sense of loyalty to the gang, underpinned by the fear of reprisals should anyone break ranks, the urban equivalent of Lord Of The Flies.

Violent, degrading group sex, if not gang rape, is often a rite of passage for members or 'soldiers' as they style themselves - such as losing your virginity or going to the pub would be for other young men.

The opposite sex is almost always treated as sexual prey.

It is the reason why a petty dispute between a 14-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy escalated into gang rape.

Nine boys took part in the attack. They are due to be sentenced at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Monday. Yesterday, a judge ruled that all but two of the nine could be identified.

What is becoming increasingly clear is that what happened is far from uncommon.

In Billericay, Essex, in January, a 16-year-old was gang-raped and had acid poured over her in an attempt to destroy evidence, detectives say.

The following month, a 17-year-old was subjected to a similar ordeal at a park in Croydon.


Chilling legacy: Similar violent incidents to the gang rape are still happening in Hackney estates

This year, detectives launched an investigation after a young mother was drugged and sexually assaulted by teenagers in front of her children and the footage posted on YouTube. It was viewed 600 times before its removal.

Around one in 15 of all rapes in London are gang rapes involving three or more attackers, according to latest Metropolitan Police statistics.

There were 126 in 2006, 91 in 2007 and 85 so far this year. But the force says 'these offences may be under-reported'. In other words, the phenomenon might be far more widespread.

The majority of victims - 60 per cent - were white, while 28 per cent were black.

Scotland Yard identified certain characteristics among attackers. Around 40 per cent of suspects were described as Afro-Caribbean. A further 13 per cent were of Indian or Pakistani appearance.

Officers insist that this is not a race issue, simply a reflection that most gang rapes take place in the most deprived boroughs, which have disproportionately high ethnic populations.

Most perpetrators already had convictions for street crime and were aged between 15 and 21.

Those who kidnapped and abused Jenny match this profile, but their families, if that is the right word, didn't seem to know or, it seems, care about the lives they were leading.

Most are in denial about their behaviour. Some of the mothers we spoke to even blamed Jenny for getting their sons into trouble with the law.

Her testimony - more than 150 pages of evidence - is also distressing for another reason. At various times during her ordeal, passers-by saw Jenny in tears, surrounded by a mob, but did not intervene.

On the afternoon in question, Jenny was listening and dancing to music at her aunt's house.

She left at around 5.30pm. Shortly afterwards, she was ambushed by O'Neil Denton, Jayden Ryan, 15, who weighs 17 stone, Weilid Ibrahim, 16, and Yusuf Raymond, 15.

The atrocity, for it was more than just a crime, would last two hours, during which time Jenny was dragged around three locations. At each place she was stripped, then her clothes were put back on, before she was taken to the next one.

Jenny finally ended up on the ninth-floor stairwell of a stinking, graffiti-strewn tower block on the Frampton Park estate.

Along the way, her captors were on their mobile phones to their friends telling them to 'come down to the Frampton Park estate', as if they were inviting them to a party.

Jack Bartle, 15, Cleon Brown, Alexander Vanderpuye, both 13, and two other boys, aged 13 and 15, who cannot be named, accepted the 'invitation' and took it in turns to rape Jenny or encouraged others to do so. In all, up to 15 boys were present.

'Please leave me. Let me go,' a sobbing Jenny repeatedly pleaded. But Denton the ringleader - who has been in and out of care all his life - just replied: 'Better cry because I am only going to give you something to cry about.'

Jenny said: 'They punched and kicked me, smashed my head against the wall, stripped me and slammed me onto my back. More gang members were arriving by the minute. They were loud and jeering.'

When they had finished with her, they called her a 'sket' (prostitute) and spat in her hair.

Jenny, it transpires, had been taken to two other blocks of flats before arriving at the Frampton Park estate.

At the second in Skipworth Road, a woman walked past her. 'She was on that floor in that vestibule at the rear of the building, with no knickers, no trousers on, surrounded by these boys,' said the prosecution barrister.

'She was crying. The woman saw Jenny and didn't offer to help her.'

Then, as she was being led, traumatised, dishevelled and crying to the final location, there was another chance to save her.

'There was a woman in her car - or getting out of her car - and she had two children with her,' Jenny told the court.

'She looked at me and said to me: "Are you OK?'' She didn't actually say it. She just mouthed it and then I shook my head [meaning "No"].'

'And then Hitman [Denton] tightened his grip on my shoulder and he kind of barged into me with his shoulder.

'And then the woman winked at me, like to say: "Yeah, it's all right.'' I felt a bit more relieved that someone had asked me if I was OK and I thought maybe she was going to call the police and help me.'

She didn't dial 999, as far as we know. In the end officers arrived too late to save Jenny. They were attending a separate disturbance nearby. They saw Jenny emerging from the building and realised something was wrong.

Inside, they found a word scrawled above the lift just inches from where Jenny was brutalised: the word was Kingzhold.

All of the boys were members of the gang or connected with it. The Kingzhold Boys are one of at least 22 identified post-code gangs in Hackney.

They routinely carry knives and sometimes guns and have been involved in a long-running feud with rival Hackney gang London Fields.

'I joined the Kingzhold Boys because we got respect for going around together,' says Peter Adeleye, 16, who was a member for nearly three years. 'People knew who we were and not to mess with us.'

He decided to leave earlier this year after two friends died violently and he was beaten by an Asian gang 'just for stepping on their turf . . . it just got too serious'.

'Everyone has got a point to prove. Everyone has got a score to settle. And there is no remorse. If you're in the wrong place at the wrong time they won't hesitate to stab or blast you.'

Or gang-rape a 14-year-old girl. The families of the boys who subjected Jenny to a two-hour ordeal in Hackney say that they do not recognise this picture of their sons.

'I didn't understand a lot of what they were saying in court, but when I heard the verdict I felt sick,' said the mother of the 15-year-old who cannot be identified (we will call him Michael).

She moved to Britain from Morocco 18 years ago. 'He told me he was there, but he didn't touch the girl.'

Physically, perhaps. But he was there, and at one point he stopped Jenny escaping. Then, before the case came to trial, Michael was arrested for 'witness intimidation'.

He is believed to have sent Jenny a text message threatening to 'beat her up' and calling her a 'slut'.

Jenny, her mother and stepfather have been moved out of the area for their own protection. So, too, has another family who supported them. Other witnesses have had panic buttons installed in their homes.

Michael's background is depressingly familiar: his father left home long ago; his unemployed mother speaks little English. She also has a teenage daughter and 14-month-old baby son.

Earlier this year, his brother fell to his death from a flat trying to escape from a knife-wielding masked gang. Michael was with him.

Police believe he, not the brother, may have been the target of a drugs turf war together with Jayden Ryan, another of the youths convicted of raping Jenny, who was also in the flat.

Ryan's father is not listed on his birth certificate. When we contacted his shop assistant mother Debbie, 36, her response was truly shocking.

Yes, Jayden, 'drank and smoked cannabis because they have nothing better to do'. But, no, he never touched Jenny. How did she know? Because her son had told her - 'He says he's just p***** off because he says he did not even get a 'b*** ***'.

It would be difficult to think of a more offensive - or insensitive - comment from the mother of someone who had just been convicted of gang rape and is facing years behind bars.

One of the youngest boys in this terrible story, it emerges, is Cleon Brown. He was just 13 at the time. He lives with his mother Dione, stepfather and 13-year-old sister. His father was shot dead when he stood up to robbers in Jamaica five years ago.

'He knew Jenny probably the best out of all of them,' says Mrs Brown. 'He even went to a party at her house.' She said her son had told her it was O'Neil Denton who was troubling Jenny. He had even tried to help her by offering to walk her home.

'Cleon tried to help her and this is how she repays him,' Mrs Brown protested.

Jenny's testimony reveals she did, indeed, beg Cleon Brown for help when she recognised his face on the stairwell. 'Cleon, Cleon, can you help me? Please, I want to get out of here,' she pleaded. 'I don't want to be here.' And Cleon said: 'I can't because I am with my boys now. I can't help you.'

When Jenny tried to get up and leave, Cleon Brown put his arm out to stop her. Then he forced her to take part in a sex act.

Jenny has just turned 15. She began selfharming after the attack and still suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. She is being home-schooled because she is too scared to leave her home.

'I wish I could be like other teenagers,' Jenny says. 'But I can't even make friends because I can't leave the house.'

This is the chilling legacy of what happened - and is still happening - on a Hackney estate on April 30, 2007.