Egy gyors Google keresést nyomtunk a "gypsy crime"-ra, és szemezgettünk az eredményekből. Teljes magyar fordítást NEM mellékelünk, csak kivonatot és összefoglalást néhol - reméljük, olvasóink túlnyomó többsége legalább érti az angolt. Körképünk még csak véletlenül sem teljes: csak egy pár pillanatképes áttekintést kívántunk adni arról, hogy éljenek a cigányok bárhol, ugyanúgy bûnöznek, ugyanúgy kihasználják a többségi társadalmat, és Amerikában a rendőrség sokkal keményebben fellép ellenük, mint nálunk. Hiába, az amcsik - minden hibájuk ellenére - tökös fickók, tudják, mi kell nekik, és ezt érvényesítik is.
A közismert gyûjtőhelye a különböző csalásoknak, átveréseknek. Kiemelten foglalkozik a cigányokkal is, ahogy ez ITT és ITT   oldalon látható. Mi mégis inkább az ír vándorokkal foglalkozunk, mert ott van nem "Politically Correct", cigányokra vonatkozó szöveg.
"Like the Gypsies, the Travelers have a dual set of ethics, one set for dealing with other Travelers and a second for relating to country folk.  While a Traveler may not ethically exploit others of his own kind, any relatively safe exploitation of country folk is legitimate and, in fact, highly laudable.  As far as the Traveler is concerned, country folk were created to be taken."
Azaz: az (itt ír) vándorló életmódú emberek ugyanolyan kettős mércét használnak, mint a cigányok. Azaz: a többséget kihasználni igenis engedélyezett, sőt, egyenesen magasan  ajánlott.

Nézzük, mit ír a római turistainformációs oldal, a "Rome tourist information and guide", amely ITT   található . Egy klikk a "Crime" szekcióra: hát, ez biz' tele van cigányozással: a "gyps" szótöredék tizenegyszer szerepel benne, és gyakorlatilag CSAK az olaszországi cigányság bûnözésével foglalkozik. Egyedül az utolsó, itt nem idézett, a cigányos szekcióhoz képest igen rövid, ötmondatos szekció foglalkozik a taxishiénákkal, illetve a magukat turistainformátoroknak kiadó emberekkel. Valaki jelentse már fel őket! Micsoda dolog az, hogy ártatlan romáinkat így besározza egy ilyen népszerû, központi, évente több százezer turista által olvasott oldal!
"petty crime in rome
precautions to avoid thieves
and pickpockets in rome
In July 2000, the ex-Olympic sprinter Ben Johnson was relieved of his wallet and the $4000 cash it contained by a small group of gypsy girls who accosted him on the famous Via Veneto in Rome. He gave chase but they outran him!!
The lesson is clear - Watch Out! Not only are these innocent looking children on the streets of Rome cunning thieves, they are also agile, well-practised and extremely fleet of foot...
Fortunately, mugging and violent crime attacks are relatively rare in Rome. However, there are many pickpockets in Rome, as in any large city, so the risks and dangers of theft are there, and tourists, even if accompanied by the best guide money can buy, still have to be extremely careful to ensure that their valuables and documents are not stolen. Although you can be robbed at any time in many different ways, from our experience the following are the main ploys used by thieves in Rome. There’s a sucker born every minute and ten thousand new suckers jetting into Rome every day, so the thieves and pickpockets don’t need to change their methods much; they just practice them until they've got it perfect. If they successfully rob you, it will be because their method was new to you, but not to them:
In the train while still in the station - especially if you are in a compartment alone - someone comes in and asks you a question in Italian. You reply that you don’t speak Italian and the person goes into the next carriage. Almost immediately another person comes along the platform to the window of your carriage and asks you for information or directions in English... You naturally go to the window to answer and while you are there, his or her accomplice sneaks into the compartment behind you and takes your bag, knowing already that as a non-Italian speaker you are likely to be a tourist with a bag of goodies, (rolls of cash in different currencies, passports, camera etc).
As in any city where you are a stranger, try to avoid looking and sounding like a tourist. This tactic can even save you money, as market-stall holders will often jack up the price of an item if they hear an English or American accent. And with the exchange rate as good as it is for Brits in Italy at the moment, they know you can afford to pay over the odds. Try to go shopping with an Italian friend and let them do the talking for you, while you keep a low profile. As a foreigner you will stick out like a sore thumb anyway and there is little you can do about that, but use discretion and try to make it less obvious, especially when you are alone and unsure of your directions.
Just like wolves, thieves and other ne’er-do-wells such as short con trick artists can smell their prey coming a mile off. They spend their entire day looking and listening for a vulnerable animal to pick off from the herd and make a meal of.
Try not to make a big show of getting a street-map out, or going through all your pockets looking for this roll of film or that bus ticket. It only serves to draw attention to you on the street and to better indicate to the pick-pocket which pocket your wallet is in.
On the street - the ‘mess on the back’ trick: Someone draws your attention to a mark on the back of your jacket (usually ketchup or mayonnaise squirted on, or cold water squirted on the back of your shirt in hot weather) and offers you a tissue to wipe it off.
While he is helping, he is also helping himself to your wallet. (This happened to me, but I was ready for it and asked him to do the wiping, which he declined! I walked off, but he was most insistent that I really did have something on my back, and followed me to 'assist' me further. I still ignored him, and when I got home and checked, sure enough there was absolutely nothing there, except his damp palm print on my shirt which had remained in the intense humidity!) Both here and on the train, the thieves are usually well dressed. Our advice is to trust no-one who accosts you out of the blue. In our modern society, where no-one gets involved with strangers if they can help it, ask yourself what possible reason a stranger could have for getting into a conversation with you on the street..?
Interestingly we can also observe a trace of the Italian sense of humour here, bound up in their culture and even expressed in the craft of the pickpocket. It’s almost a slapstick routine which you’d be less likely to come across in England. Likewise the next trick:
A group of gypsy children approach you holding pieces of card or newspaper which they hold under your chin. While you are reading it one of their number nips underneath and clears your pockets or bags. It's the absurdity of these routines which catches the staid Brit or American off guard! We are just not expecting such a zany, impudent way of being ripped off...
In summer 2003, a new gypsy scam was reported to us by tourists in Rome - 'Baby Tossing'!
A young gypsy girl, woman or man will appear to accidentally drop her baby, or even throw it into your arms... While you reach out to save the baby from falling, you'll probably drop your camera or wallet, allowing other gypsies to quickly move in underneath you to pick up what you've dropped or rifle through your pockets like lightening while you hold the baby. They then obviously run off with your possessions, leaving you holding the baby - which you'll then realise is only a plastic doll. Cute, eh?
Some gypsies may even start attempting this with a real baby - They'd sooner have the cash... The real baby may be one they've actually kidnapped from another tourist, something else they're adept at.
So watch out. These people will stoop to any depths to fleece you. As tourist figures drop in the low, off-peak, winter seasons, and as word of the gypsy's filthy criminal ways gets around more via websites like Romebuddy, it's probable that we'll start to see more and more new examples of these extreme varieties of gypsy street-crime in Rome.
Also, we note this year that teenage gypsy girls in central Rome have smartened up a lot. A lot of them have shed their traditional shawls and headscarves, and now dress in the latest fashions, and instead of hanging around their usual areas such as the Colosseum and Termini Station, these girls can now be found on upmarket fashion-shopping streets such as Via Nazionale,Via del Corso and Via Condotti, posing as normal Roman office girls. No, prostitution is not their aim - That would be too obvious and the police would pick them up straight away. Instead, it's just business as usual - they will simply be trying to distract you with momentary eye-contact to manoeuver you into a suitable position in the pedestrian traffic for an unseen accomplice to pick your pockets.
If you carry a bag with a shoulder strap on the streets of Rome, beware of thieves on scooters coming up behind you and snatching or cutting the strap. Wear the bag on the side away from the road, and unless you want to show off the Chanel buckle, wear it flap inwards and put the strap over your head. Of course, you’ll look even more like a tourist like this, so the trick is not to carry too many valuables with you anyway, or learn to look more like a native of Rome and less like a tourist. It’s a bit of a balancing act between common sense and street-hipness really.
You must also be especially careful of your bag around the main Rome railway station (Termini). If you have left any baggage in the station left-luggage office and the bag you have retained with you is stolen with the ticket inside, return immediately to the left-luggage office (before the thieves do) and report it, before reporting to the police or the Consulate. Otherwise you will be left in Rome with nothing but the clothes you stand up in.
If you put down your bag and your attention is distracted, even for a moment, your bag will quickly disappear.
On a crowded bus, if a group of gypsies and/or gypsy children get on, keep a hand on your purse.
At the beach, don’t leave your bag unattended while you swim. Don’t leave your luggage or valuables in a parked car.
The Italian police are the first point of contact for reporting the loss or theft of documents, property or money. They will give you a multi-language form called a ‘denuncia’ to complete. They will then stamp it and give you a copy, which you will have to show to the Consular section of the Embassy if you need a new passport. Your insurance company will need to see the copy if you are making a claim to them.
Any thefts which happen in or around the main railway station (Termini) or on a train arriving at Termini, should be reported to the Railway Police (Polizia Ferroviaria) at the station. Otherwise reports from foreigners will normally only be accepted by the Foreigner’s Branch of the main Police station (Ufficio Stranieri della Questura di Roma), Via Genova. (off Via Nazionale). Telephone 46861 and ask for the Ufficio Stranieri - Denuncie). Outside Rome you should contact the nearest police station (Commissariato di Polizia) for help or information, though naturally it is not always possible to find an English speaking police officer."

És, hogy ne maradjunk némi könyvszemle nélkül,
"Hasand to Grave #1: Hastened to the Grave: The Gypsy Murder Investigation" (lásd ITT):
"Publisher Comments:
They were a notorious gypsy family that seeped into their victims' lives like a deadly cancer. And they couldn't be stopped-- until one courageous woman took on the cases no one else would touch...
Elderly, well-to-do men and women who, due to their failing health, strength, and faculties, could be conned out of their fortunes by heinous neglect, abuse, and possibly even murder.
Several members of a ruthless family of Gypsies known for their cunning con-games and remarkable ability to extract large sums of money from their unwitting pawns."
Azaz: az áldozatok idősek, akiket a cigányok (akárcsak nálunk vagy bárhol máshol), a gyilkosságtól sem visszariadva, semmiztek ki a vagyonukból. NO COMMENT!
"Full Description
American Gypsy
a stranger in everybody's land
Many Americans are familiar with them, but to most they are still strangers. Outside mainstream America, beyond the consciousness of mass media, excluded from discussions about minorities, there are a million familiar strangers living in this country: American Gypsies. Americans, but are they really? Gypsies, but what does that mean anyway?
Gypsies worldwide, more properly known as "Rom," are part of an ethnic group whose ancestors left India a thousand years ago. Today, many American Rom combine the extremes of what is very foreign and very American: they pray to ghosts in a foreign language, and wear Stetsons while driving Cadillacs to the local shopping mall for MacDonalds hamburgers. They also maintain ancient traditions and a societal structure revolving entirely around the family. By contrast, fairy tales and Hollywood churn out images of Gypsies as romantic nomads and cunning thieves: aimless wanderers with not a care for the past and no plans for the future; just read a fortune, steal a chicken and move on to the next town. Newspaper headlines talk of being "gypped" and police officers declare themselves experts on "Gypsy Crime" (just imagine a "Jewish Crime" specialist!). They get away with it because most people think that "Gypsy" describes anyone who fits the popular traveler fantasy. So, while the real Rom are strangers, their stigma is very familiar. A New York Times poll in 1992 reported the social standing of 58 ethnic groups: Gypsies were at the very bottom."
"License to Steal is an in-depth study of the criminal element of the Romani population, a highly organized, little-known empire known as the Gypsy Mafia. Through historical data, true stories from police records of outrageous capers, and heart-breaking interviews with frustrated victims of Gypsy scams and swindles, we see how Gypsy crime has become a multibillion dollar industry from which no one is safe - except the perpetrators, who usually are long gone by the time their fraud is discovered or, in the rare event they are caught, brilliantly manipulate the system to avoid the consequences of their illegal activities. No one is completely invulnerable to Gypsy crime, but by reading this book and heeding its advice, you can revoke the Gypsies' license to steal from you by removing the one thing necessary for their seccuess - easy access to your money."
Ehhez nem kell kommentár, azt hiszem. Páran azért fûztek hozzá ilyesmit, például az ITT  található "Travellers and Gypsies  Face Harassment". Ez utóbbiból idézzük a legérdekesebb részeket:
"In a Dateline [NBC television news] program, a child about nine years of age was shown in her white confirmation dress in church. The narrator described her incorrectly as a child bride. A report from Kansas City tells how police entered a Traveller-owned trailer park and threatened the occupant of one trailer with the Rico Act in what appeared to be for no other reason than to intimidate.
In South Carolina law abiding Travellers had their names and driver's license numbers placed on a list of potential criminals, and it was distributed to various law enforcement agencies. In that same state, a town ordinance declares: "Gypsies: Prohibited in County" (License Ordinance 1994 Town of Batesburg Leesville, S.C., p. 18). In Missouri and elsewhere Travellers have reported being off the road and into ditches by police and warned to get out of the area.
In a police flyer issued in Winter Park, Florida, citizens were warned "CRIME ALERT, GYPSIES HAVE RETURNED.""
Hoppá! Cigányfajvédők, nyomás feljelenteni többek között a floridai meg a Kansas City-beli rendőrséget! Tûrhetetlen, amit ezek a rasszista amerikaiak csinálnak szegény romákkal! Biztos minden ok nélkül, mint tudjuk, ugye.

Most, a Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking (PhACT)   vezetőjének, Eric Krieg-nek   egyik cigányokkal kapcsolatos cikkére jött válaszok / reakciók közül (lásd ITT) szemezgessünk kicsit. Ha valaki például a finn cigánytémás cikkek kapcsán kételkedett volna abban, hogy a cigányok helytelenül írnak (hiába, nem kellett volna ellógni az iskolát, ugye?), ugyan, nézze már át ezt a cigány választ. Ennél nem nehéz hibátlan spellingû angolt írni még egy angolul csak közepesen tudó magyar számára sem, nem?
I am a gypsy .. i'm not a very honest gypsy but i try...but then again your not a very honest person either ...for that mater ..very few of the pepole in he world are honest....i lie ...i cheat....some times i steal....i some times smoke pot.....not because im a gypsy..... but because im human...... there are many ...blacks.....jews....mexicans...ect. that do the same things that
i do.... dose that make them gypsys???????? i think not....we all live to die ...we all do wrong... and we all do right..... i hope you under stand what im trying so say point is this not saying that gypsys are inosent.....the ones that do wrong are wrong......but don't blame the ones that had nothing to do with the other gypsys wrong doings ..... treat us like human being not animals ..........we should all try to under stand each other......all we want as gypsys is to live with out being looked at as teiffs ...when pepole hear the word gypsy ...the first thing they think is .....hide your wallet & hold on to your kids there's a gypsy over ther............when the truth is we don't need your wallets or your kids ....any one who knows a real gypsy know that we have enough money and too many kids of are own.......... all we want is just a little respect......we bleed lust like you.... we hunger just like you.......we sleep just like you ...... and you know why????......because we are human just like you........... I THANK YOU FOR LISTENING"
Ami azt illeti, az oldal tetején a szerző meg is jegyzi a következőt:
" I've gotten a lot of email from irate Gypsies (most with writing difficulties). "
"Nagyon sok levelet kaptam cigányoktól (a legtöbb írási nehézségekkel küzdött.)" - NO COMMENT, ez bizony K.O.!
A cikk végén egy slusszpoén:
"Sometime, I would actually like to investigate a group of Roma people to be able to publically document if a large group of them is perfectly law abiding. Please let me know if you have additional ideas on this question."
"Valamikor, szeretnék egy olyan, nagyobb, teljesen jogkövető roma csoporttal kapcsolatba lépni, amelyről aztán egy nyilvános jelentést írhatnék. Ehhez minden segítséget szívesen elfogadok."
Szerintünk még segítséggel sem lesz képes ilyet találni - legalábbis, az elmúlt pár évben senki sem talált neki, pedig a cikke hatalmas felzúdulást keltett az amerikai cigányok között. Annak az okát, hogy mégis nem talált egy nagyobb csapat, teljesen jogkövető cigányt, persze sejtjük.
Egy kérdezz - felelek azól (ITT):
Kérdés: Have you met a real Gypsy? Did you ever hear of one of them ripping someone off or sweet heart swindling?
Válasz 1:  
Yes There are a group in my hometown and in the towns around. Some have shoplifted from the malls and other stores. One family owns a paving business and keep ripping people off than changing the name and owner..
I'm not saying they are all bad so do not interpret it in that manner .
Válasz 2:  
I can remember having them show and set up camp at Redding Lake (now Lion County State Fishing Lake in Kansas) a few times when I was a kid. My Grandfather use to remind everyone to put their coolers and lamps in their campers over night or the Gypsies would steal them
Válasz 3:
Yes. 2 drunken gypsies wanted to rape me at night but I was sober and I ran faster. Going home at 9pm, them being completely drunk and making obscene remarks and following me. I ran but one of them came after me on a bycicle. He must've been so drunk that even with the bycicle he couldn't catch me and I got home. He followed me up to our street and my father was at home but he didn't dare to go out to confront the gypsie cause he didn't want to get in trouble. That kinda shook my respect for him. Cause he always wanted to be looked up at for being strong. (This is Hungary)
Most of my friends have experiences like that. But we try to stay on the safe side and avoid them so there are only a few real bad stories. Like a girl got burned alive this summer and many other horror stories but luckily not in my circle.
I got ripped off by one a couple months ago. Actually not me but my boyfriend, cause it was his money. A car stopped at an isolated place and a gypsie looking guy got out and in a very bad hungarian wanted to sell us a golden ring. He said he was turkish and he needs to get to Veszprem with his family.(we saw them in the car) and he desperately needs money for gas. I tried to tell him that I have no idea what a gold ring is worth and I don't think I could pay him enough so he should go to the nearby shop, but he kept shoving the ring in our faces. We were sorry for him and my boyfriend(american guy) gave him 3000 forints (15 dollars) and then he left. After that I felt sorry for the guy cause I thought that we ripped him off that he had to sell that nice ring for so cheap. So we went to a jewelers to have it checked for value and the jewelery guy just laughed in our faces and told the whole story before I could even open my mouth and said it was completely worthless and that romanian gypsies do this to rip people off. This shows that this is a pretty common thing to happen here. Okay so I was dumb, but he said he was turkish and so I didn't take his skin color in account(didn't think he was a gypsie)
In my father's company the sons of the gypsie cleaning lady stole the computers. Another collegue was almost killed by one when he saw that his car is being stolen they ran him over.
In everyday life I've met honest gypsie people too but when a big horde of them get on the bus or train they make everyone feel uncomfortable by yelling and spitting and making obscene remarks at women. I'm scared of them but I'm always glad if I meet one that is not like their stereotype.
As for sweet heart swindling I don't know what it means.
If you are a gypsie then try to fight racism against gypsies by leading an honest life.
Végül egy Gárdonyi Géza-idézet: "ha pedig tzigányra érközik panasz, hát azt ki se hallgassa,tsak vesse az tömlöczbe, mert bizonyos, hogy nints hamisság nélkül." (Göre Gábor kalandjai). Hát igen, biztos Gárdonyi Géza is rasszista, fasiszta volt. BETILTANI!

Folyt. Köv.!