Basar al-Asszad |
Asszad figyelmeztette Izraelt: keresse a békét, vagy a jövőben is vereséget szenved. Újságírók előtt felhívta az izraeli vezetőket, adják fel arroganciájukat és megszállottságukat. A háború felfedte az izraeli katonai erő határait és szétzúzta a legyőzhetetlen izraeli hadsereg mítoszát - közölte az elnök, hozzátéve: 5 hét után Izrael még mindig néhány száz méter elfoglalásával küszködött.
A Hezbollah tevékenységének köszönhetően Izrael, amely Asszad szavai szerint agresszióra és egyeduralomra alapozza politikáját, immár kétszer is meggondolja, hogy terrorista akciókat hajtson végre a térségben. A libanoni síita ellenállás véget vetett az Egyesült Államok úgynevezett "Új Közel-Kelet" tervének, amelynek része volt többek közt a szíriai kormány megbuktatása is - közölte Szíria elnöke.
Basar al-Asszad szerint addig nem lesz béke a régióban, míg Izrael vissza nem ad valamennyi megszállt területet tulajdonosainak. Asszad a napokban azt sem zárta ki, hogy visszafoglalják Izraeltől Szíria megszállt darabját, a Golán-fennsíkot.
Civilek ellen "tökös" volt Cion | - AP - al-Dzsazíra
Syrian leader calls America's Mideast plan an "illusion" after Hezbollah victory against Israel DAMASCUS, Aug 15 (AP) _ Syrian President Bashar Assad said Tuesday that America's plan for a ``new Middle East' collapsed after Hezbollah's successes in fighting against Israel, and warned the Jewish state to seek peace or risk defeat in the future. Assad, speaking to a journalists' association conference, asked Israeli leaders to give up on their ``follies and arrogance' and work for peace. Assad said this war revealed the limitations of Israel's military power. In a 1982 invasion of Lebanon, Israeli forces surrounded Beirut within seven days of invading, he said. ``After five weeks it (Israel) was still struggling to occupy a few hundred meters.'
Syria: Resistance shows Arab strength
Tuesday 15 August 2006, 15:25 Makka Time, 12:25 GMT
Al-Assad: An honour to stand with the resistance
The Syrian president has said that resistance against Israel is necessary because the world will not consider Arab interests "unless we are strong".
In a speech to the Arab Journalists Association conference, held in Damascus, Bashar al-Assad praised Lebanon's Hezbollah for fighting off Israel for nearly five weeks and said that their actions would make Israel think twice before pursuing "terrorist policies" in the region.
"The world will not consider our interests unless we are strong. The resistance, in all its aspects, is the alternative to regain our rights. The world would not move unless Israel is harmed and we become powerful.
"This resistance is a medal to pin on the chest of every Arab citizen, not only Syria," he said, adding that the Shia fighters had "shattered the myth of an invincible army".
Resistance brings peace
The Syrian leader said peace and resistance were not mutually exclusive.
"Arabs have failed to understand the strategic option for peace.
"The world will not consider our interests unless we are strong... The world would not move unless Israel is harmed and we become powerful"
"Peace is a strategic option that does not mean we should abandon the principle of the resistance.
"The more peace seems to become inapplicable, the more necessary it is to look for alternative ways." he said.
"Resistance is aimed at achieving peace not war."
Al-Assad also took aim at opponents in Beirut.
The government in Lebanon is now headed by an anti-Damascus majority which took office after elections last summer after the withdrawal of Syrian troops following outrage at the assassination of former prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri.
And the Syrian leader accused the anti-Syrian bloc of wanting to sow discord in the war-torn country by demanding that Hezbollah disarm.
Blaming the US
He also said there would be no peace in the Middle East anytime soon, and blamed the United States.
"Peace would involve Israel returning occupied lands to their owners and restoring their rights," he said. "Israel is an enemy founded on the basis of aggression and hegemony."
"[Syria must] understand that Lebanon is taking off, or is at least meant to take off, in a different direction without them" - Tzipi Livni, Israeli foreign minister
"The peace process has failed. It has failed since its inception."
"It is evident that after six years of this [US] administration that there is no peace and there will be none in the foreseeable future."
Al-Assad said US aspirations of building a "new Middle East" were an "illusion" that was shattered by Hezbollah's success in fighting Israel.
A key part of George Bush's proposed "new Middle East" was replacing al-Assad's government.