Számtalanszor beszámoltunk már (lásd pl. EZT) arról, hogy a franciák is kíméletlenül odavernek az emberiség pestisének, a cigányoknak, ha kell. Nemcsak a középkorban cselekedtek helyesen (a cigányok kiüldözése és azok kiirtásának engedélyezése) – ezen jó szokásukat mind a mai napig megtartották. Tanulhatunk tőlük, akárcsak az összes többi, a cigókat a jelenben is kőkeményen elüldöző, kiutasító, országába be nem engedő vagy éppenséggel kiirtó néptől...

Múlt péntekről szombatra virradó éjjel, egy üldözés során, a rendőrök lelőttek egy bűnözőcigányt. Ettől kiakadtak a mocskok, és vasárnap, fejszékkel, vascsövekkel felfegyverkezve, ötvenen rajtaütöttek a közép-Franciaországban található St Aignan városának rendőrőrsén. A vezetés ott, ha színesekről van szó, természetesen, sokkal normálisabb, mint a miénk: azonnal megjelent 300 katona a településen, hogy leszerelje az orkokat.

Tomboló rühesék kiraboltak egy pékséget, több nagy fát kidöntöttek, egy autót felborítottak, egy másikat meg felgyújtottak. Ahogy egy törvénytisztelő, tisztességes nép szokta csinálni, ugyebár.

Az eredeti cikk ITT található (videóval együtt!); angol (Google Translate-os) „fordítása” alább:

Traveller ransack a town of Loir-et-Cher

Keywords: Force, Loir-ET-CHER
7/19/2010 | Updated: 08:39 Reactions (1001)

Photo credits: AFP
VIDEO - They protested Sunday against the death of a young, killed yesterday by a policeman. In the evening, calm had returned to Saint-Aignan, where 300 soldiers were deployed.

Fifty Travellers attacked a police station Sunday in central France with axes and iron bars to protest against the death of a youth killed by a policeman on the night of Friday to Saturday. In the evening, this is the calm in the small town of St Aignan, where 300 soldiers were deployed.

It was the death of a man killed by fire from a policeman to Theseus in the night from Friday to Saturday during a chase, which has angered some members of the Traveller community, as Jean-Michel Billon, the mayor of the town of 3,400 inhabitants. 'There was a settling of scores between Travellers and the police, "he says. "Some were wearing balaclavas, armed with axes and iron bars. The lights have been 'hashed', trees and bucked and burning three cars were burned, "added the mayor of this town, adding that no injuries were reported.

Several large lime trees were felled, a car overturned and another fire in the middle of the afternoon in this county usually peaceful. A bakery has been robbed.

One man killed on Friday night

A source close to the investigation, the police have used their weapons on Friday evening after a vehicle has a roadblock. The lifeless body of the victim, "Luigi", 22, father of a two year old girl, was found in Saint-Romain sur Cher, a dozen miles from where the shots where there is a large community of Travellers.

The floor of Blois gave few details Sunday night about the sequence of events leading to this tragedy. During an initial check of police, the car on board of which was "Luigi" had not stopped, taking on its cover a policeman for nearly 500 meters. It was decreased to favor a turn, slightly injured.

In the second dam, the car, this time with two occupants on board, one being mounted between the first and second controls, has to stop mining. She then re-accelerate and dark on two policemen. One of them then fired two bullets at the vehicle, which continued its course, always according to the prefecture.

According to preliminary results of the investigation, "Luigi" would have been afraid of a control because it had no driver's license. But it would also fears being arrested following a robbery had been reported in the neighboring municipality. The second occupant of the car fled and sought.