![]() Ez biztosan Tito Ortiz |
Ha valaki talál róla méginkább hasonló fényképet, vagy rálel menedzseri irodájának e-mailes elérhetőségére, melyen figyelmükbe lehet ajánlani a vélhetően jogdíj fizetése nélküli képfelhasználást, küldje el a kampany@kuruc.info címre! Tito Ortiz hivatalos honlapja itt található, klubja a Team Punishment, annak honlapja itt. Addig is telefonon vagy faxon tájékoztathatja valaki a visszaélésről, talán a pressresource(kukac)gmail.com vagy a perkycomm(kukac)aol.com cím megfelelő.
![]() Az SZDSZ szerint ő is az "árpádsávosok" oldalán harcol |
Vélhetően a "szabad, demokrata" szavazóként ábrázolt melós és a két másik arc sem magyar, tehát nem is SZDSZ-szavazó. De már az is jellemző a törpepárt helyzetére, hogy nem tartják célravezetőnek azokat az arcokat szerepeltetni, akik a listájukon lesznek.
Olvasói levél
Tisztelt Kuruc.info!
Utolagos engedelmetekkel felhivtam a Tito Ortiz lapjan megadott 714-894-2399-es telefonszamot, es ott elmondtam egy aggodo holgynek, hogy mikent hasznalja az T. O. kepet kulfoldon egy politikai part. A holgy arra kert, hogy irjak nekik egy e-mailt ide: sales(kukac)punishmentathletics.com, es ismertessem oket reszletesebben a tenyekrol. Nagyszeru lenne, ha tobb, USA-ban elo honfitarsunk is felhivna a fenti szamot, es aggodalmat fejezne ki.
Itt a masolat levelemrol:
To the reprezentative of Mr. Tito Ortiz
Dear Sir / Madam,
I'm writing you this e-mail because I think that you have no idea of the fact that a hungarian political party (SzDSz - a very liberal democratic party) using Mr. Ortiz image on their political ads. There are many billboard size ads around which are falsely represent Mr.Ortiz as a negative, mean, right-wing activist, perhaps a skin-head, neo-nazi person. I believe this is done without the authorization of Mr. Ortiz and/or his legal representative, therefor they might illegally use copy-righted material and deeply misrepresent him.
This concern was also posted by a hungarian news group kuruc.info on their web site.
Here is a link to it: http://www.kuruc.info/r/6/39763/
Please scroll down to the 3rd. image from the top and see the ad.
There are 2 pictures, an "average, nice guy Joe" on the left and Mr. Ortiz on the right. There is a question between them: "Ki dontson a torvenyekrol? " (sorry, I don't have accents on my keybord) It translates to: "Who should decide about the laws?"
The blue-white colors behind average Joe is the colors of the liberal SzDSz, the red-white colors behind Mr. Ortiz are the colors of the Arpad-House, the ancient royal family of Hungary - the most honored and respected colors by millions of hungarians.
I believe this ad disrespects and misrepresent Mr.Ortiz and his fans, also the millions of hungarians.
Furthermore I believe the SzDSz is breaking copy-righted laws and done a huge damage to the international image of Mr. Ortiz.
Me -as a big fan of Tito Ortiz and also a hungarian- would like to ask you to take legal and moral steps to restore the image of Mr. Ortiz.
I think I can say in the name of other hungarians that we would feel deeply honored to see him with the ancient colors of the Arpad-House, but not in this political ad, when the above party using him as a dirty card in their filthy game.
Here is the official web-site of the SzDSz : http://www.szdsz.hu/index.php
I'd really appreciate any update in this matter.
A concerned hungarian fan of Tito Ortiz,
This concern was also posted by a hungarian news group kuruc.info on their web site.
Here is a link to it: http://www.kuruc.info/r/6/39763/
Please scroll down to the 3rd. image from the top and see the ad.
There are 2 pictures, an "average, nice guy Joe" on the left and Mr. Ortiz on the right. There is a question between them: "Ki dontson a torvenyekrol? " (sorry, I don't have accents on my keybord) It translates to: "Who should decide about the laws?"
The blue-white colors behind average Joe is the colors of the liberal SzDSz, the red-white colors behind Mr. Ortiz are the colors of the Arpad-House, the ancient royal family of Hungary - the most honored and respected colors by millions of hungarians.
I believe this ad disrespects and misrepresent Mr.Ortiz and his fans, also the millions of hungarians.
Furthermore I believe the SzDSz is breaking copy-righted laws and done a huge damage to the international image of Mr. Ortiz.
Me -as a big fan of Tito Ortiz and also a hungarian- would like to ask you to take legal and moral steps to restore the image of Mr. Ortiz.
I think I can say in the name of other hungarians that we would feel deeply honored to see him with the ancient colors of the Arpad-House, but not in this political ad, when the above party using him as a dirty card in their filthy game.
Here is the official web-site of the SzDSz : http://www.szdsz.hu/index.php
I'd really appreciate any update in this matter.
A concerned hungarian fan of Tito Ortiz,